Headquarters and Headquarter Company
July 4, 1968

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0812hrs Colonel Franklin a booby trap of mine went off outside wire just northeast of bunker 19. FLA is out her picking up wounded civilians. E Troop will sweep area. At 0915hrs Approximately 2 pounds composition B had been placed under a unused ½ bale of concertina wire with a trip wire attached. 1 Vietnamese was DOA, 1 Dust Off to Chu Chi and 1 treated and released by A and D.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0855hrs Bravo Company 19 Engineers, had a truck to hit a pressure detonated mine. Truck had gas tank blown off plus damage to cab, had 1 US WHA dusted off, not serious (Information use only).


Alpha Company
July 4, 1968

At 0815hrs Alpha Company locations is as follows 10 at BS766319, 20 and Command Post at BS763320, 30 BS762317. At 1020hrs Alpha Company is located at BS767318 and by 1158hrs is at BS771315. At 1730hrs Alpha Company is moving into their Night Defense Position at BS778317, 10 BS865317, 20 BS772324 and 30 BS774327.


Bravo Company
July 4, 1968

Bravo Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Thunder. At 0815hrs Bravo Company (-) is located at LZ Thunder with 30 at BS833395 and 12 at BS813363. At 1226hrs Bravo Company at BS837388 found 1 M-26 (grenade) in a hedgerow, not booby trap, destroyed in place. At 1730hrs Bravo Company (-) is located at LZ Thunder with 30 at BS837395, and 31 at BS934392.


Charlie Company
July 4, 1968

At 0815hrs Charlie Company is moving out of their Night Defense Position at BS883270 and by 1020hrs they area located at BS865262. At 1730hrs Charlie Company are at their Night Defense Position at BS856248, 10 BS860252, 20 BS857245 and 30 at BS854244.


Delta Company
July 4, 1968

Delta Company continued their Security Mission for LZ Charlie Brown and at 0815hrs Delta Company at 10 at BS923186, 20 Command Post at Charlie Brown, Captain Michael G. Low assumed command of Delta Company at LZ Charlie Brown and 30 is at BS899257. At 0847hrs Delta Company found a small tunnel entrance 3-4’ by 3’ X 8’-12’ long has been used in last 3 weeks, is not concealed, found "C" ration cans inside. At 0849hrs Delta Company at BS893267 found small size bunker 3’ X 3’ wide Z 10’ long used in last 2 weeks not concealed. At 1020hrs Delta Company is located at Charlie Brown. At 1647hrs Delta Company at BS925169 found a tunnel 3’ X 4’ high by 25’ long entrance was concealed with palms, found 2 ammo cans with polished rice, salt, condensed milk and water inside will leave intact and set up ambush near entrance. At 1730hrs Delta Company 20 and Command Post at LZ Charlie Brown, 30 at BS902243, 31 at BS903243.


Echo Company
July 4, 1968

Echo Company is located at LZ Thunder where Battalion Forward is and coordinates with the Battalion Rear Elements and Base Defense elements on LZ Thunder. The 4.2 Platoon is located on LZ Thunder where they continue to provide direct fire support for the Battalion. At 0815hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS471526. At 1003hrs Recon Platoon reports their location at BS462528. At 1055hrs Recon Platoon at BS461527 reports have 2 VC KIA, 1 45 caliber grease gun and 1 K-44 CIA, received sniper fire from base camp estimated size 10-12, and found blood trails, will follow. At 1220hrs Recon Platoon reports location Command Post at BS458525, 10 at BS456526 and 20 BS460528.At 1250hrs Recon Platoon at BS458524 the 30 element found 3 hootches with tunnels under the, are checking out area at this time. At 1300hrs Recon Platoon at BS461536 observed 5 VC on hill near wood line, had FAC check out area observed several dug in positions. At 1730hrs Recon platoon reports their Night Defense Position at BS473524.

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