Assuming Operational Control

Headquarters and Headquarter Company
January 5, 1968

Forward Area: 1-20 Infantry Headquarters is located at LZ Thunder and will continued to work with ARVN units in their Area of Operations. At 0955hrs Colonel Beers 1-20 Infantry in his Command and Control Helicopter reports a Dust Off at BS880308 picked up 1 US shot in stomach, picked up WHA and delivered to LZ Bronco Pad Dust Off contacted US was from Bravo Company.

Rear Area: Battalion Rear continued their Mission of general support for the battalion and continued their Security Mission for LZ Bronco. At 0117hrs reports Bunker 59 reported trip flare being set off 30 to 40 meters in front of Bunker, 6 to 8 individuals were spotted moving when flare went off, were taken under fire by bunker 59 vicinity BS7377, negative results. At 0220hrs Report from 4-3 Infantry #2 Bunker vicinity BS827370 has spotted movement, illumination fired with negative sightings. At 0300hrs reports E Troop Bunker 52 observed 3 individuals approximately 25 meters in front of position vicinity BS853366, engaged with fire negative results. At 1025hrs District Advisor reports an accident 2 ½ Ton hit a Lambretta in Nhitrang atBS843342 with 5 Civilians killed and truck left the scene. Military Police are investigating.


Alpha Company
January 5, 1968

At 1015hrs Alpha Company is location vicinity BS936223. At 1000hrs Alpha Company conducted Combat Assault into LZ at BS855265. At 1300hrs Alpha Company 2nd platoon found 1 ton of rice at BS865325 located in a house in which 16 people are living. At 1610hrs Alpha Company is location vicinity BS765370.


Bravo Company
January 5, 1968

At 0955hrs-Bravo Company requested Dust-Off BS880308 US shot in stomach, 1-20 Infantry Command and Control helicopter picked up WHA and delivered to Bronco Pad Dust-Off contacted at 1015hrs. Continue S&D (Search and Destroy) at Location BS900294 1145hrs Report on wounded individual was beginning to climb up rice paddy pulling trooper rifle from rice paddy above by muzzle of weapon-Safety was off, weapon discharged DIEFENBACK, LARRY L US SP4 Died of his Wounds. At 1415hrs Bravo Company-2nd, 3rd Platoons, & Command Post is at-BS707424-1st and 4th Platoons-no change. At 1610hrs Delta company location Night Lager Position BS731348. Bravo Company SP4 reports LARRY L. DIEFENBACK LISTED AS KIA, Died of Wounds, The first individual from the 1st Battalion 20th Infantry, to die in Vietnam.


Charlie Company
January 5, 1968

At 1015hrs Charlie Company at BS782285 and At 1610hrs Charlie Company now at BS788328. Charlie Company reference 500-pound bomb duds element is 1000 meters short and the terrain rough and had to stop for night at BS804277.


Delta Company
January 5, 1968

Delta Company continued their Search & Destroy operations center of mass BS843325 in their Area of Operation. At 1415hrs Delta Company location is BS813448. At 1530hrs Delta Company conducts a Combat Assault at 1900hrs to BS816263. Delta Company is at their Night Larger Position BS788328. Delta Company on Charlie Brown has 1-20 Infantry Security Platoon to help free up 1 more platoon.


Echo Company
January 5, 1968

Echo Company and 4.2 platoon and radar platoon where located on LZ Thunder to provide direct support to the Battalion. At 1015hrs Recon Platoon is located at BS896317. At 1315hrs Recon Platoon located at BS896317 continued to conduct an OP. At 1425hrs Recon Platoon reports they received 3 rounds of sniper fire overhead from 700 meters away. At 1849hrs Recon Platoon located at BS896317.

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